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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Preparing Meals (1 July)

[22:29]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) rises early in the morn, stretching the sleep from her stiff lithe form, cly blinks her steely eyes to adjust to teh dimness of the early morning, yawning a little, she stealthly slips from both her Jarl and chain sister, trying not to disturb them as she move away from his great bed and furs, moving quietly down the stairs she felt the early morning chill in the air upon her naked flesh, stepping closer to the fireplace she rekindles the dim coals by adding some dry grass and twigs to it, blowing gently she restarts the flame before adding a few logs to keep the fire going.....
[22:37]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) sighs as she felt the warm, she rises to her barefeet, moving with care to teh doorway she fetches her light woolen kirtle from the peg at the side, being quiet she slips from the cabin so not to disturb the others, pulling her kirtkle over her head she first head towards the bakery to get the fires going and to prepare some breakfast for the Jarls and Mistress of the Village, humming lightly, she first stops at the well to fetch some water, pulling at the rope that leads down to the fresh wate, she softly grunts a little as she tugs up the bucket, filling the spare that rests against the well she takes it and enters the bakery, moving over to the fireplaces she rekindle their flames as she had done within her Jarl's cabin before setting to work, filling kettles and a few pots with water to heat she starts to prep some blackwine, her Jarl just recieved a fresh batch of blackwine beans and powder for the trading post so she used some of that to start brewing before she starts work on the sa-tarna bread
[22:37]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): and larma tarts for breakfast, all the time humming quietly to herself as she busy herself, watching as the first signs of daylight starts to peek through teh windows of the bakery....
[22:47]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): as the bread and tarts was baking and the blackwine brewing, she starts to prep for the evening meal of bosk stew, chopping up some leftover bosk meat that was placed into the ice starage at the back of teh bakery she places that within the big boiling pot of water, then she works upon the carrots, sa-tarna corn, suls and adding a little seasoning to teh water as well, smiling as she stirs them all together, letting the pot to simmer for the time being she turns and pulls out the bread and tarts, fetching a serving kettle and tray she fills the kettle with the blackwine and places teh tarts and slices of sa-tarna bread upon the tray, with care she picks up the tray and carries it to the long hall, her steps were light so not to spill as she gently hip bumps open one of the great doors to the hall, placing teh tray down she quickly strips away her kirtle, before picking the tray back up and heads towards the long table, placing the tray down, she sets out the tarts and bread before taking the kettle of
[22:47]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): blackwine back to the back where she starts up another fire within the fireplace to keep it warm when ready to be serve, smiling as she gazes to her work she nods to head out to do more work within the gardens that day before the day turn warm and that no work could be done

Monday, May 14, 2012

Preparing the Morning Meal (14 May)

[10:04]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): stretches with care, cly slips from the furs as the sounds of early morning woke her from her sleep. rising so not to disturb her chain sisters and their Jarl, she gently eases down the steps to the main part of the cabin. filling a small bowl of water and setting out a cloth for her Jarl for him to refresh himself when he wakes; cly gently slips on her kirtle just as she steps outside quietly.
breathing in the fresh crisp air, cly crosses through the village heading to the bakery to start preparing the morning meal for the Free. pulling her long ginger locks back from her face as she enters the bakery. letting her steely eyes adjust to the dimness within the building she makes her way back to the kitchen. crouching by the fire pit, she adds a few extra dry logs to the almost dying ambers. carefully blowing upon them to rekindle the flames. smiling as she watches the growing warmth, she slowly rises to her full heigth to do what is needing to be done.
fetching a few bowls for mixing, kettles and pots, cly began

[10:04]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): to prepare the meal by starting on making fresh sa-tarna bread. taking some sa-tarna meal, vulo eggs, salt and water, she combines and mixes the ingredients together upon thee counter. needing the bread mixture she hums softly to herself as she works. splitting and rolling several loaves, she places them to the side under some rep clothes to rise before placing them onto the oven rack.
as she waits for the bread to rise, cly turns herr attention to start preparing a kettle of blackwine. her Jarl had returns from a trip down south with a full shipment of ground blackwine powder for the trading post to sell. filling a large kettle pot with water, she places that over the fire to heat, while she turns and scoops some powder into a serving kettle, so once the water was heated she could add it to the blackwine powder to mix and be ready to serve.
moving back to the grill area of the kitchen she places a large pan upon the grill as she starts to crack open several vulo eggs. letting them fry, she went and placed thee bread upon thee oven rack to start baking. she then turns and cut a few slices from a left over roasted bosk from the night before, to grill up and heat.

[10:04]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): fetching several platters, she places the eggs upon one and the grilled bosk upon the other. setting theem upon the counter for any to just serve themselves, she checks on the sa-tarna bread. seeing that it baked to a golden brown, she smiles as she uses thick repclothes to remove the bread and places them within a basket upon the counter.
looking about as she starts to clean up her baking mess. she gathered the bowls, keettle and pans and washes them with the left over hot water she had heated. taking a dry rep cloth, cly dried and returned all the items into their proper place before slipping from the bakery with a spare serving tray that she carries a plate with several vulo eggs, a few slices of bosk meat, a roll of sa-tarna bread and a mug of blackwine to serveer to her Jarl, when he wakes.

[10:04]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): bosk from the night before, to grill up and heat.
fetching several platters, she places the eggs upon one and the grilled bosk upon the other. setting theem upon the counter for any to just serve themselves, she checks on the sa-tarna bread. seeing that it baked to a golden brown, she smiles as she uses thick repclothes to remove the bread and places them within a basket upon the counter.
looking about as she starts to clean up her baking mess. she gathered the bowls, keettle and pans and washes them with the left over hot water she had heated. taking a dry rep cloth, cly dried and returned all the items into their proper place before slipping from the bakery with a spare serving tray that she carries a plate with several vulo eggs, a few slices of bosk meat, a roll of sa-tarna bread and a mug of blackwine to serveer to her Jarl, when he wakes.