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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Preparing Meals (1 July)

[22:29]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) rises early in the morn, stretching the sleep from her stiff lithe form, cly blinks her steely eyes to adjust to teh dimness of the early morning, yawning a little, she stealthly slips from both her Jarl and chain sister, trying not to disturb them as she move away from his great bed and furs, moving quietly down the stairs she felt the early morning chill in the air upon her naked flesh, stepping closer to the fireplace she rekindles the dim coals by adding some dry grass and twigs to it, blowing gently she restarts the flame before adding a few logs to keep the fire going.....
[22:37]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) sighs as she felt the warm, she rises to her barefeet, moving with care to teh doorway she fetches her light woolen kirtle from the peg at the side, being quiet she slips from the cabin so not to disturb the others, pulling her kirtkle over her head she first head towards the bakery to get the fires going and to prepare some breakfast for the Jarls and Mistress of the Village, humming lightly, she first stops at the well to fetch some water, pulling at the rope that leads down to the fresh wate, she softly grunts a little as she tugs up the bucket, filling the spare that rests against the well she takes it and enters the bakery, moving over to the fireplaces she rekindle their flames as she had done within her Jarl's cabin before setting to work, filling kettles and a few pots with water to heat she starts to prep some blackwine, her Jarl just recieved a fresh batch of blackwine beans and powder for the trading post so she used some of that to start brewing before she starts work on the sa-tarna bread
[22:37]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): and larma tarts for breakfast, all the time humming quietly to herself as she busy herself, watching as the first signs of daylight starts to peek through teh windows of the bakery....
[22:47]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): as the bread and tarts was baking and the blackwine brewing, she starts to prep for the evening meal of bosk stew, chopping up some leftover bosk meat that was placed into the ice starage at the back of teh bakery she places that within the big boiling pot of water, then she works upon the carrots, sa-tarna corn, suls and adding a little seasoning to teh water as well, smiling as she stirs them all together, letting the pot to simmer for the time being she turns and pulls out the bread and tarts, fetching a serving kettle and tray she fills the kettle with the blackwine and places teh tarts and slices of sa-tarna bread upon the tray, with care she picks up the tray and carries it to the long hall, her steps were light so not to spill as she gently hip bumps open one of the great doors to the hall, placing teh tray down she quickly strips away her kirtle, before picking the tray back up and heads towards the long table, placing the tray down, she sets out the tarts and bread before taking the kettle of
[22:47]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): blackwine back to the back where she starts up another fire within the fireplace to keep it warm when ready to be serve, smiling as she gazes to her work she nods to head out to do more work within the gardens that day before the day turn warm and that no work could be done

Monday, May 14, 2012

Preparing the Morning Meal (14 May)

[10:04]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): stretches with care, cly slips from the furs as the sounds of early morning woke her from her sleep. rising so not to disturb her chain sisters and their Jarl, she gently eases down the steps to the main part of the cabin. filling a small bowl of water and setting out a cloth for her Jarl for him to refresh himself when he wakes; cly gently slips on her kirtle just as she steps outside quietly.
breathing in the fresh crisp air, cly crosses through the village heading to the bakery to start preparing the morning meal for the Free. pulling her long ginger locks back from her face as she enters the bakery. letting her steely eyes adjust to the dimness within the building she makes her way back to the kitchen. crouching by the fire pit, she adds a few extra dry logs to the almost dying ambers. carefully blowing upon them to rekindle the flames. smiling as she watches the growing warmth, she slowly rises to her full heigth to do what is needing to be done.
fetching a few bowls for mixing, kettles and pots, cly began

[10:04]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): to prepare the meal by starting on making fresh sa-tarna bread. taking some sa-tarna meal, vulo eggs, salt and water, she combines and mixes the ingredients together upon thee counter. needing the bread mixture she hums softly to herself as she works. splitting and rolling several loaves, she places them to the side under some rep clothes to rise before placing them onto the oven rack.
as she waits for the bread to rise, cly turns herr attention to start preparing a kettle of blackwine. her Jarl had returns from a trip down south with a full shipment of ground blackwine powder for the trading post to sell. filling a large kettle pot with water, she places that over the fire to heat, while she turns and scoops some powder into a serving kettle, so once the water was heated she could add it to the blackwine powder to mix and be ready to serve.
moving back to the grill area of the kitchen she places a large pan upon the grill as she starts to crack open several vulo eggs. letting them fry, she went and placed thee bread upon thee oven rack to start baking. she then turns and cut a few slices from a left over roasted bosk from the night before, to grill up and heat.

[10:04]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): fetching several platters, she places the eggs upon one and the grilled bosk upon the other. setting theem upon the counter for any to just serve themselves, she checks on the sa-tarna bread. seeing that it baked to a golden brown, she smiles as she uses thick repclothes to remove the bread and places them within a basket upon the counter.
looking about as she starts to clean up her baking mess. she gathered the bowls, keettle and pans and washes them with the left over hot water she had heated. taking a dry rep cloth, cly dried and returned all the items into their proper place before slipping from the bakery with a spare serving tray that she carries a plate with several vulo eggs, a few slices of bosk meat, a roll of sa-tarna bread and a mug of blackwine to serveer to her Jarl, when he wakes.

[10:04]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): bosk from the night before, to grill up and heat.
fetching several platters, she places the eggs upon one and the grilled bosk upon the other. setting theem upon the counter for any to just serve themselves, she checks on the sa-tarna bread. seeing that it baked to a golden brown, she smiles as she uses thick repclothes to remove the bread and places them within a basket upon the counter.
looking about as she starts to clean up her baking mess. she gathered the bowls, keettle and pans and washes them with the left over hot water she had heated. taking a dry rep cloth, cly dried and returned all the items into their proper place before slipping from the bakery with a spare serving tray that she carries a plate with several vulo eggs, a few slices of bosk meat, a roll of sa-tarna bread and a mug of blackwine to serveer to her Jarl, when he wakes.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Re-Collaring of the Bonds (6 May)

[16:30]  Hania Rae: smiles watching nods to Rajaah
[16:30]  rajaah: tells his girl to come forward to him
[16:31]  SolaraLove: "Aye my Jarl"..solara responds smiling softly as she moved forward toward her Jarl
[16:32]  rajaah: on this day i remove this collar as he reaches for her tender neck taking off this collar
[16:33]  SolaraLove: looking towards him she leane dher head forward feeling her crimson hair cascade to the side...his strong hands working his way through her collar....her heart taking louder beats her legs seemingly weak
[16:33]  rajaah: now in honor of the new village an our new home to a sweet begining of these lands an our home i'm giving you a new collar
[16:34]  rajaah: now kneel before for me an submit to me
[16:35]  SolaraLove: "Aye my Jarl"..she whispers...her eyes glistening in emerald splendor filling with joyful tears...lowering to the furs beneath her speaking proudly..."On this day my Jarl i submit mind body and soul to You"
[16:35]  rajaah: do you solara submit to me freely
[16:35]  SolaraLove: "Yes my Jarl i do completely"
[16:36]  rajaah: smiles to his girl an nods placing the new collar apon her neck
[16:36]  SolaraLove: a single tear trailed down her soft pink cheeks as she felt the new cool steel caress her neck
[16:36]  Hania Rae: smiles watching knowing that they belong together and the New beginning for them and the village
[16:36]  rajaah: now you are truly mine and welcome you to our new home
[16:36]  SolaraLove: "Thank You my Jarl i shall serve You and this village with all that i am"
[16:37]  rajaah: an a great life as live out our time
solara's collaring
[16:37]  Tala Moonwing looks on, smiling softly as she gazes over at the sister of her heart as she receieves the greatest blessing a bond can receive
[16:37]  SolaraLove: smiles brightly her heart leaping for joy
[16:37]  rajaah: then lock the collar on her neck
[16:37]  rajaah: now you may stand mine
[16:38]  SolaraLove: the sound of the lock echoing the hall as she looked up proudly to her Jarl and Master..."Yes my Jarl"
[16:38]  Hania Rae: claps and nods to Rajaah
[16:38]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) nods her own approvement, smiles
[16:38]  rajaah: grins to a new life
[16:38]  SolaraLove: bite sher bottom lip looking over to her village family
[16:38]  nadie (dab.snowfield) smiles at solara
[16:38]  Tala Moonwing grins and catches her sister's heart as it bounces with joy and tosses it to her Jarl for safe keeping with a wink
[16:38]  rajaah: stand girl
[16:38]  SolaraLove: giggles
[16:39]  SolaraLove: "Yes my Jarl"
[16:39]  Hania Rae: smiles watching the hugs
[16:39]  rajaah: then gives her a warm hug
[16:39]  SolaraLove: wraps her arms tightly around her Jarl so happy
[16:40]  rajaah: now looks to his brother "it's your turn" an grins
[16:40]  Tala Moonwing: chuckles softly
[16:40]  Hania Rae: walk to the center of the room
[16:41]  Hania Rae: smiles calls my girl to stand in front of me
[16:41]  Tala Moonwing looks to her sister cly with a softly smile
[16:42]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) looks up to her Jarl as she approaches him
[16:42]  Hania Rae: looks to my girl and smiles take the key and unlock the collar and throw it on the floor
[16:43]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) bites her lower lip feeling the steel removed from her slender neck as she watches him
[16:43]  Hania Rae: look my cly in her eyes "and kneel girl submit to me"
[16:44]  nadie (dab.snowfield) smiles witnessing the wonderful event since she wasn't able the first time, her eyes lightens up bright
cly's collaring
[16:44]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): yes my Jarl...she spoke softly as she melts down to her knees raising her arms up and spoke gently....girl submits to her Jarl
[16:45]  Hania Rae: take out a steel collar and places on her solf neck and with pride wrap it around her neck cly "with the start of this new village and our new Home I collar you to a new life here in Rondvik"
[16:46]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): yes my Jarl, i'll do my best to serve you and this village for as long as i live
[16:46]  Hania Rae: closes the steel collar and lock it smiles
[16:46]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) shivers feeling the steel and lock
[16:47]  Hania Rae: stand girl and be the frist girl of this village
[16:47]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) looks up at him smiles gently...yes my Jarl...gently rises to her feet
[16:47]  rajaah: claps his hands an grins to his brother an the first girl
[16:48]  Hania Rae: hugs my girl tight and kisses her lips
[16:48]  Hania Rae: stand to my left girl
[16:48]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) purrs into the kiss as she hold onto him
[16:48]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): yes my Jarl
[16:48]  Tala Moonwing smiles with joy as she sees her sister newly collared to their Jarl and their new home
[16:48]  Hania Rae: smiles looking to tala "come girl"
[16:49]  Tala Moonwing moves quickly to stand before Him "yes my Jarl"
[16:49]  nadie (dab.snowfield) smiles watching tala walk by
[16:49]  rajaah: pulls solara closer to him
[16:49]  Tala Moonwing stands before Him and gaze up at Him with love shining from her emerald eyes
tala's collaring
[16:49]  Hania Rae: smiles as tala reaches me and I take my key and unlock the collar and throw it on the floor
[16:50]  Hania Rae: looks to my girl "submit to me girl"
[16:50]  Tala Moonwing winces slightly as the collar is removed, her stomach clenching out of nervousness and slips to her knees, raising her arms and crossing her wrists
[16:51]  Tala Moonwing speaks firmly "i willingly subit to You my Jarl and i vow to serve You and this village till the end of my life"
[16:51]  Hania Rae: place the steel collar around tala neck "and I now collar you to Me and the new village of Rondvik and to a new start here in our home"
[16:52]  Tala Moonwing beams brightly, tears of happiness shining from her eyes "i thank You my Jarl for this honor. I will not dissapoint You"
[16:53]  rajaah: smiles seeing tala getting her new collar place upon her an grins to the cheftian
[16:53]  Hania Rae: lock the collar in place and place the 2nd girl tag on the collar know that she be a great 2nd girl to the village
[16:53]  SolaraLove: nuzzling into her Jarls arms looking on proudly over her sisters' happiness knowing its feeling
[16:54]  Hania Rae: stand girl welcome to our new home
[16:54]  Tala Moonwing feels her heart swell with love and pride as the new collar and locked in place and rises to her feet once more, pressing a soft kiss against His lips and hugging Him tightly.
[16:54]  Hania Rae: hugs the girl tight and kisses her lips
[16:54]  Tala Moonwing moves to stand beside her sister to make room for her sister nadie
[16:55]  Hania Rae: stand by your sister
[16:55]  Hania Rae: looks to my girl nadie "come here girl"
[16:55]  nadie (dab.snowfield) smiles softly as her blue eyes twinkle gliding to her Jarl
[16:56]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) smiles as she hugs tala, hr steely eyes gleaming as she turns and watchees
[16:56]  Tala Moonwing returns the hug and then lets her soft gaze rest once more on her Jarl and her sister as she too is welcomed to their new home and her new life as their Jarl's girl.
[16:56]  Hania Rae: "last but not lease" looks at nadie and take my key and unlock the collar and throw it on the floor
nadie;s collaring
[16:57]  nadie (dab.snowfield) feeling the weight of the collar being lifted she holds still
[16:57]  Hania Rae: now submit to me girl
[16:57]  nadie (dab.snowfield) floats to her knees bring her arms up over her head tucking her head between her elbows stretching her arms outward
[16:58]  nadie (dab.snowfield) smiles in a soft voice 'my Jarl i submit to you with mind body and soul'
[16:59]  Hania Rae: take outa steel collar and wrap it around nadie small neck "and I collar you to me and the village of Rondvik and to our new home here in the Northern Forest of Gor"
[17:00]  Hania Rae: lock the collar in place and smiles to my girl nadie "stand and stay where you are at"
[17:00]  rajaah: grins as half pint submit to her jarl an wink to the cheftian an claps agian as i look to all the girls, "welcome to the new birth of our new home here at rondvilk an your new collars girls"....claps louder
[17:00]  nadie (dab.snowfield) moves her arms slightly feeling the collar wrapping around her neck closing her eyes as the metal touches her neck holding the tears back as she wanted to jump up and hold her Jarl
[17:01]  Tala Moonwing grins widely as she watches her newest sister embrace her new life eagerly.
[17:01]  Hania Rae: step to the side and motion solara to come to me
[17:02]  SolaraLove: "Aye Chieftain"..walking over to the Chieftain
[17:02]  Hania Rae: pull out a 3rd girl tag and reaches for solara collar and place the tag on her collar and smiles "you are now the thrid girl of the village"
[17:03]  Hania Rae: step back to nadie
[17:03]  SolaraLove: smiles brightly feeling the Chieftain as he gavve her a title.."Aye Chieftain i won't let You down"
[17:03]  nadie (dab.snowfield) smiels winking to solara
[17:03]  SolaraLove: winks to nadie her smile ever so bright
[17:03]  rajaah: grin seeing his girl get a tag place on her collar an claps
[17:05]  Hania Rae: pull out a tag of of 4th girl and places on the collar of nadie "and now you are 4th girl of the village so you have some things that you have to do to help the village"
[17:05]  Hania Rae: looks to onyx "come here girl"
[17:06]  SolaraLove: mouth drops open and smiles brightly to nadie wanting to pounce on her and hug her tightly
[17:06]  nadie (dab.snowfield) looks to her right seeing her sisters with their new collars, hearing her Jarl she looks at him surprised and shock blinking a few times 'aye my Jarl i'll do my very best to make the village and you proud'
[17:06]  Tala Moonwing stiffles a giggle of excitement
[17:06]  σηуx (xeian.nateas) quickly makes her way over to the Chieftain but careful as not to step on anyone Standing before Him Sapphire eyes lowered to the ground
[17:07]  nadie (dab.snowfield) quickly moves to tala and watches
[17:07]  Hania Rae: nadie stand by your sisters
[17:07]  Tala Moonwing grins and pulls her sister close winking to her yet remaining quiet
[17:07]  Hania Rae: pull out a village collar and looks to the girl "submit girl"
[17:07]  nadie (dab.snowfield) smiles wrapping her arm around tala
onyx collaring
[17:08]  SolaraLove: smiles softly to Onyx
[17:09]  rajaah: looks to his girl , this be a great new beginning here tonight
[17:09]  σηуx (xeian.nateas) falls to her knees bringing slender arms above her head crossing her wrists, she speaks in a voice barely above a whisper but firm "I willingly Submit to The Village and will do everything in my power to Help it grow and thrive and I will do my best to Please You Jarl Chieftain
[17:10]  SolaraLove: whispers over to her Jarl.."Aye my Jarl Odin has blessed us greatly"
[17:10]  nadie (dab.snowfield) smiles bring her hand up gently wiping her tears of joy away
[17:10]  Hania Rae: place the village collar around the neck of the bond called onyx and lock it in place and smiles to the girl "welcome to the village and your new home"
[17:11]  Hania Rae shouts: smiles shouting "welcome Home everyone!!"
[17:11]  rajaah: claps loudly seeing all the girls in there new collar
[17:11]  σηуx (xeian.nateas) beams happily feeling the collar placed on her neck hearing the lock click firmly in place her heart racing as she finally feels at Home
[17:11]  Hania Rae: claps
[17:11]  Tala Moonwing claps loudly now that the need for quiet is no more and squeezes her sisters tightly one by one
[17:11]  rajaah: hear hear to our new home
[17:12]  nadie (dab.snowfield) bounces lightly hugging tala
[17:12]  SolaraLove: claps so excited looking proudly about seeing her family
[17:12]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) smiles with pride
[17:12]  Hania Rae: now some music ans dancing and ale
[17:12]  Tala Moonwing grins
[17:12]  Tala Moonwing: indeed my Jarl
[17:12]  σηуx (xeian.nateas) smiles and blows kisses to her sisters

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Prepares Chieftain's Cabin for Departure (26 March)

[19:14]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) sighs softly, as steelyeyes blinking, waking slowly, cly gazes about the dimness wiithin her Jarl's cabin. Today was the day. Her Jarl returned a few days ago and met with the Village council. It was decided, that they would be seeking out lusher lands then that of the 'Mark, to prosper on.
Stretching as she rises, cly noticee her Jarl had slipped out before dawn, not dsturbing her. No doubt he was at the docks, speaking to the captain and preparing the serpent to sail that day. Going to the fireplace, she added some more log to the dying ambers. It was early spring and the air still holds a chill to it. As the cabin starts to warm, she starts to gather her Jarl's clothesand belongings, placing them into the chests along side the wall.
Opening the door after some time, when cly finished packing her Jarl's belongings, she moves to the great stoe couch, strips it of the furs and blankets. Taking them out t hang upon the clothes line to air out before the too go into a trunk. Returning back inside she fetches
[19:14]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): a broom from the corner and stats to sweep outthe gathering dust, humming softly as she works.
Seeing that she was almost finished, cly went back out to fetch the furs and blankets. Folding and rolling them, she adds themto the final chests in the corner. Smiling, she nods slightly before sitting by the fireplace, awaiting for the dockhands to arrive, to let them know about the chests and what else that needs to be sent to the docks to be loaded up into the serpent.
As they came, cly heads out to see what else needs doing before they all head out that day. Turning she hurries to fetch a basket to gather up some last larmas to add to the supplies before they leave Rondvik to head to their new home and start a new beginning.
Noir Avenir.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Grinding Sa-Tarna ((19 March))

[11:08]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone) sighs, as steely eyes gazes up at the mid-day sun. cly had been within the garden, most of the morning, reaping several stocks of sa-tarna rods. So far, she had two bundles piled up to the side, out of the way, so none would stumble over them.
 Crouching close to he bundles, cly took some strands of fiber, binding the rods together, so it would be easier for her to carry them over by the smithy to the grinding wheel.
 Kneeling close to the wheel, cly took a few of the rods, placing them between the grinding stones. Gripping the wooden turn wheel over the slabs in her small hands, she tugs upon it, til it starts moving. Turning clockwise, she watches as the stones slowly comes together, grinding down the rods into a fine powder.
 Reversing the wheel, cly lightly brushes the ground up flour into one of the awaiting sacks at her side. Sighing softl, as she glances over at therest of the awaiting rods within the bundles, knowing her task isn't and won't be finished til dusk.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

(3) First Arrival

I had no memories of how I arrived, only that I went to bed at my own home. I do recall, slowly waking up to the sound of the surf, crashing against the rocks. I could feel cool, soft sand under me asI gazed up to the night sky.
It was when I notice the three glorious moons above me. That was my first clue that I was no longer upon my world. The second clue, as  I start to stir and sit up more, was a man approaching me.
Clad in dark leather, he reminded me of the mideval vikings of ancient Earth. And when he spoke to me, I couldn't understand a word he said. I was quite frightened, kneeling there in the sand, gazing at this fierce warrior. He had drawn out his sword and pointed it at my neck, speaking only two words.
La kajira.
I took it, I was suppose to repeat them. As I did, he resheathed his sword and drew out some rope. He motioned that I should cross my wrists at my back. Doing so, he was behind me, crouching close.
I cried out, struggling when I felt him tying my hands back. As I fought him, I suddenly felt the sharp tip of a blade to my throat. I went utterly still as he finished his task of binding my wrists. Then he spoke those words to me again, pressing the blade down by my belly.
La kajira, la  kajira.
I remember crying out, over and over again, til he removed the blade. I felt a loop of another rope going about my throat. Then a sharp tug upon it. Rising to my feet, I follow this man. Following him into my new life.

Gathering Larma (15 March)

[06:01]  ℂℓy (clysa.dragoone): hums softly as she slips from the gates long before dawn, cly moves down along the path with basket in hand as she heads on down to the fire circle, she wanted to surprise all by fixing fresh baked larmas, like she used to make upon her home world,for they resemble the apples theres, the wind from the Thassa blew in between the lands, sending the scent of morning and salt as she approaches the large larma tree, smiling seeing how fresh and ripe they are as she moves to the closest branch, humming to herself as she picks them, inspecting each larma makingsure none were bruised as she places them within her basket, gazing up one in a while to see a fishing boat with Jarls and bonds passingby she waves to them before continuing her task, when her basket was full, smiling with pride she picks it up and carries her treasure back up to the gates, heading towards the bakery, se believes she would wash and set several out for any desires to have them while the rest she prepares to make te tarts and baked larma treats

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Known Illnesses and Cures

Magenprobleme    *    Nausea        *    Lavinia   *
Grippe        *    Influenza    *    Sunflower *
Husten        *    Cough        *    Sunflower *
Schnupfen    *    Sniffles    *    Sunflower *
Meningitis    *    Meningitis    *    Sunflower *
Infektion    *    Infection    *    Maringold *
Borreliose    *    Lyme Disease    *    Maringold *
Lebensmittelvergiftung* Food Poisoning    *    Maringold *
Dar Kosis    *    Dar Kosis    *    No Cure   *
Bazi Pest    *    Bazi Plague    *    No Cure      *

            Medicine Recipes

NOTE: it is important to gather only one item at a time.. stand.. 
and let the plant re-initialize before picking from it again. 
STORE raw materials in Pulverized format (lasts 6 months)

    *Sunflower Saft (lasts 30 days):

Gather sunflower leafs x 4 Pulverize x 4 Process into Saft 
(takes 4 Pulverized sunflower to make one Saft) - Requires fire

    *Lavina Saft (lasts 30 days):

Gather lavina leafs x 4 Pulverize x 4 Process into Saft 
(takes 4 Pulverized lavina to make one Saft) - Requires fire

    *Marigold Saft (lasts 30 days):

Gather marigold leafs x 4 Pulverize x 4 Process into Saft 
(takes 4 Pulverized marigold to make one Saft) - Requires fire

Tools and Fuel translations/functions

Tools        *    Translation    *    Usage
Axt        *    Axe        *    Wood          *
Hornschaufel    *    Horn Shovel    *Sul,             *               
                             *                              *Baziteablaetter,    *               
                              *                             *Rambeere, pumpkins,  *
                               *                          *karotten, blackwine  *
 Obstfluecker    *    Fruit Picker    *Larma, Olives,       *
                            *                               *Cherry, Tospits      *
Rancher        *    Smoker        *    Honey          *
Schaufer    *    Knife Shovel    *    Dung          *
Schere        *    Scissors    *La-la-na Trauben,    *
                     *                          *Dattel, Cacaobean    *
Sence        *    Scythe        *Rence, Sa-tarna      *                
                    *                       *Zuckerrohr (sugar)   * ***************************************************************
Spitzhacke    *    Pickaxe        *Metalerz,           *
                            *                       *Salzkorn (Salt)      *

    *Fire:2 Holzcheite (log) or 2 Boskdung
    *Spiritus:5 Suls (potatoes) + Wasserchale (water)
        *Spiritus Lamp (Physician's Office):
            1 Oel or 1 Spiritus

Tending the Recorder's Hut (3 March)

[21:54]  clysa Dragoone crosses the Rondvik field, her arms full of parchments as she makes her way to the Recorder's hut...nudging the door open with her curvy hip she enters the darken room of the soon to be library and study to the village recorder...placing the parchments upon the desk, cly sighed s she gazes about, making her way over to the fireplace she adds a few timber to the still glowing ambers, blowing lightly she restarts the fire, making it lit up the room with a suddle light and adding warmth against the afternoon Torvaland chill...tucking a few loose strands of auburn hair from her face she starts to work on straightening the clutter of the room...grabbng pillows from the gathering ring she takes them outside, batting them together to knock out any dust that might of collected there...cly pilesthe pillowsinthe corner before dragging the rug out to teh line to hit it a few good times with the beater, knocking the dust and dirt from the wool...leaving teh rug out to air, she fetches a broom starts to sweep so she
[21:54]  clysa Dragoone: could scrub the floor before replacing the rug back down along with the pillows... moving about as the sun crosses teh sky, she dusts the shelves and wipe down each book and places each scrolled up parchment in its rightful place...going to teh desk, cly checks the inkwell seeing if its full and that there was plenty of quills on hand...nodding withsatisfaction she moes over to the small side desk for the Recorder's bond if they should ever haveone and there she starts working on a list of items to fetch from the orchard and the market when she ventures forth through the Tor'Mark...

Monday, March 12, 2012

What it Means to be a Bond

This little task, the Overseer has placed upon us, have me stop to take in all my surroundings.
The meaning to be a bond, isnt just a femlee whose belly lie beneathe the sword. It also, to me at least, means she is the strength and pride of bother, her Jarl and the Village she serves in.
Within the village, a bond does alot to keep the village thriving even while the Jarls are away. Making sure each task and simple chore are done. So the village runs smoothly and in order. For both Jarl's approval and tp please him.
And speaking of Jarls, I am proud to be collared by my Jarl. He who brought me im from my dispair as i roamed, abandon. To me, his collar about my neck is my freedom and I will neverstray from it. For he lets me be true to myself. As a slave of the north, a bond.
And I would do anything and everything to bring honor and pride, not to just the village  that i serve in, but to the man whom ive serve. My Jarl. Thank you, for making me your bond, my Jarl.

Cleaning the Healer's Cabin (2 March)

[21:10]  clysa Dragoone carries a bundle of firewood across the fields, the morning sun peeking over the snow capped mountains..smiling softly as she passes several Jarls and sister bonds as she makes her way to the Healer's cabin...bumpin the door with herhip, cly makes her way inside the suddle cabin...
[21:31]  clysa Dragoone: piling the wood by the fireplace, she checks to makesure the fire was still going and it was comfortable within...steely eyes gazes about, taking in what needs to be done to prepare for the new healer to arrive...using a strip of rep cloth, cly ties back her long auburn brown locks away from her face...smiling, she went to each of the beds, stripping the furs, blankets and linens, there she took them outside to hang upon the laundry line to air out and to be freshly batted from dust before she could remake the beds...fetching a pail by the fireplace she heads down to the well at the center of the village, to fill so she could start scrubbing floors and shelves...
humming to herself she works in the quiet cabin, dusting and scrucbbing the bookshelves, stacking the fresh parchment of papers upon the desk...sepping out with a rug beater, she smacks it a couple of good times across the furs and blankets, coughing a little as dust goes everywhere, shaking them some she takes them back inside, making the
[21:31]  clysa Dragoone: a final touch she took a pitcher and makes her way to the bakery, filling it with fresh water then takes it back up to place upon the counter with teh washing basin is, nodding with approval, cly stepped back out heading off to do her next task of the day

Preparing Baths ((28 Feb))

[02:35]  clysa Dragoone hums softly to herself an old urth tune that she havent thought of for whaa seem to be ages, cly slips from her Jarl's hut, blinking her steely eyes to adjust to the brightness of the new day sun she makes her way towards the bakery with an idea, lately with the move and all thebuilding thats been happening bythe Jarls, extra laundryneeds to be done as well as scrubbing ofthe flesh, going to the storage within the bakery, cly found several size wash basins, including two huge ones that can be used, lifting oe to its side she rolls it towards the stairs, only pausing breifly to catch her breath before continuing her task of pushing the large wooden basin up the stairs, feeling thedroplets of sweat forming as she took each step up, pausing at the top panting she looksfor thebest place for thesoon to be tub, smiles seeing a spot inthe back, turning the basin slightly she rolls it to the back just under the ladder, careful not to drop it upon her toes she lowers the basin down toteh floor, jumping back alittle as

cly preparing the tubs for the Jarls'
[02:35]  clysa Dragoone:  she finally lets go, panting she slips down toher knees and pushes it into its final place, closing her eyes she leans back against the tub to catch her breath before going back down tofetch the other basin to add asecond tub....
[02:55]  clysa Dragoone tearing a small piece of her kirtle she ties her long light auburn brown hair back from her flushed face, she rises back to her feet to make her wayback down to fetch the second basin, smiles lightly she pauses inher small task to add some firewood to the hearth to heat up some water after she gets everything set, the warth sooths her before she turns and picks up the last large wooden basin, placing it on the side she rolls it to the stairs like she did tothe other, only pausing to catch herbreath befre doing the straining task of pushing the heavy tub up the stairs, reaching the top, cly rolls the last tub over by the first, lining them up she nods to herself as she steps back to admire her work....there, now we can care for two Jarl at once....she mused to herself beore turning and heading back downthe stairs for the final part of her task, filling each tub with water, fetching a yoke and two wooden pales, cly heads towards the well at the cener of teh village, hoisting the bucket up from the well she
[02:55]  clysa Dragoone:  fills each pail and places them upon the hooks of the yoke, she makes her wayback up to the bakery, wincing a little with the yoke over her shoulders she took to the task of filling the iron kettles with the the water as she sets them to boil, cly took severalmore trips to the well and back til the two large kettles are full, taking time to rest as the water heats, she moves about he bakery with a broom, sweeping at the floor, shechecks the water several times, noting the bubbles she uses a pale to dish out teh hot water and starts to care it up the stairs to fill teh tubs, trudging several time up and down the stair planks, she starts humming again to help move her work along, smiles as she pours the last bucketful, she nods in approval as she skips back down to let the Jarls know that there are now bathing tubs ready for their use

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Banners of Rondvik

I was very proud of lara. And I bet her Jarl is also swelling with pride. She did a grand job with the banners for the Village. Now we all can stand and show or colors with pride. Kudos to you lara.

(2) Before Gor

Sitting here with marking stick in hand, I try to recall how my life was before I came to Gor. This counter-Earth.
I remember it being simple with a repeating daily routine, that I lived for a majority of my life. Upon my home world, I guess it would be known as, since these Goreans calls it differ. They pronounce it as Urth, not Earth. But, I'm trailing off subject here.
Anyways, I was known as an American, born and raised upon a small plot of farmland, my family had owned for many years. Each day, I start out long before dawn, tending to my chores. Making sure all the animals were fed and their stalls or cages were clean.
After cleaning and freshing up, I head into town to the local diner, where I work as a waitress up til after the lunch rush. Then, I head off to school. That's right, I was a college student. My major was History, but I took a secondary major course of Dancing, that I so enjoyed doing. I felt so free and female, as my body sways sensually. It also makes me forget about the everyday stress that I tend to put up with, as I went through my routine like clockwork.
But now, all of that is in my past life, since  the cool ring of steel, rests about my throat. For as of now, here upon this world, unlike any other, a whole new life has began.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

NLS Recipes


                         Raw/Simple Foods
            Raw Materials    *    Items Needed
Zukerfass (SugarJar)    * 2 Zucherrohr (Sugarcane) 
             Mehl (Flour)        * 5 Sa-tarna Korn (wheat)
     Salzfass (Salt Jar)    * 2 Salzkorn (saltgrain)
                       Butter        * 5 Milchschales (milk)
 Kaesestueck (cheese)    * 15 Milchschales (milk)
           Blackwine pulver     * 2 Blackwinebohne
        (ground blackwine)    *    (blackwine bean)
               Cacaopowder        * 2 Cacaobein 
         (chocolate powder)    *     (coco beans)
         Schwarze Olive    * 1 Olivenzweig (olivebranch)

               Bake Goods
                      Name        *Items Needed
    Larma (apple) Pie    * 1 Zuckerfass (sugar)   
                                        * 3 Larmas (apples)
                                        * 1 Butter
                                         * 5 Milchschale (milk)
                                        * 2 Mehl (flour)
                                        * 2 Vulo Ei (eggs)
    Cherry Pie                  * 1 Zuckerfass (sugar)   
                                        * 3 Torian Cherry
                                         * 1 Butter
                                         * 5 Milchschale (milk)
                                        * 2 Mehl (flour)
                                         * 2 Vulo Ei (eggs)
    Rambeere                    * 1 Zuckerfass (sugar)   
                                          * 3 Rambeere (strawberries)
      (strawberry) Pie       * 1 Butter
                                            * 5 Milchschale (milk)
                                         * 2 Mehl (flour)
                                        * 2 Vulo Ei (eggs)
    Schokoladenkeks        * 1 Zuckerfass (sugar)   
      (choco. chip cookies)    * 2 Cacaopowder (cocopowder)
                                             * 1 Butter
                                             * 5 Milchschale (milk)
                                             * 2 Mehl (flour)
                                              * 2 Vulo Ei (eggs)
    Sa-tarna Brot (bread)    * 2 Mehl (flour)
                                                * 2 Wasserschale (water)
                                                * 1 salzfass (salt Jar)

                 Name        *    Items Needed
      Kuerbissuppe        * 1 Kuerbis (pumpkin)
          (pumpkin soup) * 2 Wasserschale (water)
                                         * 1 Salzfass (salt jar)
      Sulsuppe                  * 3 Sul (potatoes)
         (potato soup)        * 2 Wasserschale (water)
                                        * 1 Salzfass (salt jar)
      Karotteneintopf    * 3 Karotten (carrots)
         (carrot stew)      * 3 Sul (potatoes)
                                        * 2 Wasserschale (water)
                                        * 1 salzfass (salt jar)
      Slavebrei             * 3 Sa-tarna Korn (wheat)
         (slave gruel)    * 2 Milchschale (milk)

                    Name        * Items Needed
       Rambeere Candy          * 2 Honig (honey)
        (strawberry bonbon)    * 1 Zuckerfass (sugar jar)
                                                  * 5 Rambeere (strawberries)
       Cherry Candy        * 2 Honig (honey)
                                        * 1 Zuckerfass (sugar jar)
                                         * 5 Torian Cherry
       Schokoladenvulo    * 2 Zuckerfass (sugar jars)
          (chocolate egg)    * 1 Butter
        (HOLIDAY ONLY!!)   * 6 Milchschale
                                            * 6 Cacaopowder (cocopowder)


            *Alcoholic Drinks*
        Name        *    Items Needed
         Paga (beer)    * 5 Sa-tarna Korn (wheat)
                                   * 2 Wasserschale (water)
         Rence Beer     * 5 Rence (reeds)
                                   * 2 Wasserschale (water)
          Sul-Paga (grog)    * 2 Sul (potatoes)
                                            * 1 Wasserschale (water)
       Ka-La-Na Kelch    * 5 Ka-La-Na Trauben (grapes)
        (Ka-La-Na Wine)    *
      Met (Mead)        * 5 Honig (honey)
                                    * 3 Wasserschale (water)

            *Non-Alcoholic Drinks*
         Name        *    Items Needed
       Bazietee Kanne    * 2 Baziteeblaetter (tea leaves)
        (bazi tea)               * 3 Wasserschale (water)
       Blackwine Kanne    * 3 Blackwinepulver
         (blackwine drink)    *    (blackwine powder)
                                            * 3 Wasserschale (water)
       Chocolatemilch    * 2 Milchschale (milk)
        (chocolate milk)   * 1 Cacaopowder (coco powder)
    Cherrysaft (cherry juice)* 6 Torian cherry
    Tospitsaft (peach juice)* 6 Tospit (peaches)
    Larmasaft (apple juice)    * 6 Larma (apples)

Welcome to Rondvik

Welcome to Rondvik Trading Post and Village.
Here we're a BTB (by the book) training village, for all new Goreans and those learning about the nutri-life system (nls). Located far north within the Tor'Mark region, with snow cap mountains hovering in the distance and glistening water surrounding the land, keeping Rondvik safe from any outside influences.
Headed by the Cheiftain Hania Rae, we strive to stay in peace and work as one to grow and prosper.
Any questions, seek out either the Cheiftain, the First Ax (Apoc Razor), the Overseer (Rajaah), 1st or 2nd girls (cly or tala). Safe Path and once again welcome.

NLS Translations

Bazitee Kanne    *    Bazi Tea        *    31  
Bazieeblaetter    *    Bazi Tea Leaves        *    31   
Blackwine Kanne    *    Blackwine        *    31    
Blackwinebohne    *    Blackwine Bean        *    31    
Blackwine Pulver*    Blackwine Powder    *    186   
Boskfleisch    *    Bosk Steak        *    31   
Boskkadaver    *    Raw Bosk        *    31  
Butter        *    Butter            *    93   
Cherry Candy    *    Cherry Candy        *    93    
Dattel        *    Dates            *    31   
Fischfilet    *    Fish Filet        *    21   
Holzscheite    *    Log            *    186
Honig        *    Honey            *    186    
Ka-La-Na Kelch    *    Ka-La-Na Wine        *    186    
Ka-La-Na Tranben*    Ka-La-Na Grapes        *    31
Kaesestueck    *    Cheese Piece        *    31
Larma        *    Apple            *    31
Lavinia Flowers    *    Lavinia Flowers        *    31
Lavinia Pulver    *     Lavinia Powder        *    186
Lavinia Saft    *    Lavinia Saft        *    45
Maringold    *    Marigold        *    31    
Maringold Pulver*    Marigold Powder        *    186
Maringold Saft    *    Marigold Saft        *    45
Mehl        *    Flour            *    31
Milchschale    *    Milk            *    31
Olivenzweig    *    Olive Branch        *    31
Paga        *    Beer            *    186
Rambeere Candy    *    Strawberry Bonbon    *    93
Rambeere    *    Strawberry        *    31
Rence        *    Reed            *    31
Sa-tarna Brot    *    Bread            *    21    
Sa-tarna    *    Wheat            *    93
Salzfass    *    Salt Jar        *    186
Salzkorn    *    Salt Grain        *    93
Schwarze Olive    *    Olive            *    45
Slavebrei    *    Slave Gruel        *    31
Spiritus    *    Spirit            *    186
Sul        *    Potato            *    45
Sul-Paga    *    Grog            *    186
Sunflower     *    Sunflower        *    31
Sunflower Pulver*    Sunflower Powder    *    186
Sunflower Saft    *    Sunflower Saft        *    45
Torian Cherry    *    Cherry            *    31
Toter Fisch    *    Raw Fish        *    10
Trockener Boskdung*    Cowdung            *    186
Verr Roh    *    Raw Sheep        *    31
Verrschenkel    *    Sheep Limb        *    31
Vulo Ei        *    Egg            *    31
Vulo Roh    *    Raw Chicken        *    31
Vulo Spiegelei    *    Fried Egg        *    31
Vuloschenkel    *    Chicken Wing        *    31
Wasserschale    *    Water            *    186
Wolle        *    Wool            *    186
Zuckerfass    *    Sugar Jar        *    186
Zuckerrohr    *    Sugarcane        *    31  

Friday, March 9, 2012

(1) Introduction

All information is based on Gor, belongs to John Norman, the creator and author to the Gorean book series. I am only borrowing teh concept of the books for my role-play character within the 3D chat world of SEcondLife and as a blogger background story.
That this is her tale of her life andhardships that she goes through to survive as a Gorean slave and bondsmaid.
Please enjoy and keep an open mind to all the what-ifs in life.
JLM aka cly))

Well, I guess I better start by introducing myself. I was once known as Clysa Dragoone of Urth ((Earth)).  A simple twenty year old farm girl, who was taking college courses within the fields of History and Dance.
But, that life was disupted and changed forever, as I found myself upon a strange world. The sisterplanet to my home world. A counter-Earth, where true men lives by steel and honor. While women like myself, are bound by collars and brands, to serve and please such men.
I was once a simple farmer's daughter and promising college student. Now, I am only cly, the Torvaldsland bondsmaid to my owner or Jarl. That's what I am, as my new life began. A life of a Gorean slave or kajira.
Now, as acting Recordeer for my Jarl's Village, I thought to take the time, at least when I can, to recap the venturres of my time here upon Gor. My lessons, chores, as well as both Village reports and events. For how else would any understand the meanings of this world and what is happening, if one doesn't do so.