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Monday, March 12, 2012

What it Means to be a Bond

This little task, the Overseer has placed upon us, have me stop to take in all my surroundings.
The meaning to be a bond, isnt just a femlee whose belly lie beneathe the sword. It also, to me at least, means she is the strength and pride of bother, her Jarl and the Village she serves in.
Within the village, a bond does alot to keep the village thriving even while the Jarls are away. Making sure each task and simple chore are done. So the village runs smoothly and in order. For both Jarl's approval and tp please him.
And speaking of Jarls, I am proud to be collared by my Jarl. He who brought me im from my dispair as i roamed, abandon. To me, his collar about my neck is my freedom and I will neverstray from it. For he lets me be true to myself. As a slave of the north, a bond.
And I would do anything and everything to bring honor and pride, not to just the village  that i serve in, but to the man whom ive serve. My Jarl. Thank you, for making me your bond, my Jarl.

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